Recently I needed help from Apple’s customer support, so I decided to call in and let me tell you, the support I received was absolutely memorable! I hung up the phone not only receiving the help I needed but the individual I spoke with left me happier than when I picked up the phone. This support team member was knowledgeable, patient and kind, everything you look for when calling into customer support.

As a customer support representative myself, I realized the other piece to the puzzle of this beautiful customer support experience was the fact that I called in as a prepared customer. We walked through my questions with ease and were able to access my account information quickly because I was prepared. You might be thinking, what are a few additional things that can make your next customer support call into a dream? Here are a few tips I have learned on how to get the next support person to rave about you as a customer!

Be Prepared- It’s helpful to have your questions ready —  even try writing them down. Just as your time is valuable, so is the support person’s. Trying to think of your questions on the fly can easily be avoided by having a list of questions jotted down, so that you don’t have to call them back. Trust me, they will thank you for it!

Have Your Information Ready- Any time you call into customer support, there will be information asked of you to ensure your security, to find your account, and to understand the context of your questions. Think of questions that may be asked of you and have this information ready ahead of time to present to the customer support team member. This could be your organization’s information, confirmation numbers, address, or other relevant validating information, which would all be extremely beneficial to have on hand. Having to dig or look it up while on the phone can take away from the efficiency of your conversation.

Know How to Articulate the Problem- A lot of customer support time is taken trying to understand the problem. To better explain your problem to the support agent, be ready to give any Screenshots, links, and steps that you have already taken. This will help guide the support agent to the direct issue so that they can work their magic and send you off with a grin on your face!

Have a Defined Solution- You may ask yourself, what you are wanting to accomplish? Where are you getting stumped? What would be your ideal solution? Is there a specific outcome you are seeking? Be specific and state it up front. If the support agent knows exactly what you want from the beginning, it’s more likely that you will get a quicker solution.

Don’t Forget To Be Kind- Support agents have a difficult job. They problem-solve for a living. Although it can be a huge strength they’ve developed, they are human beings who are trying to help. When you are nice, the agent is that much more likely to go the extra mile for you, and give you a sticker for being the most awesome customer ever!

We must say, we have the best customers around. Next time you call in, be ready to get raved about by the support agent you partner with, because you will blow them away with your super skills at working together as a team. In turn we promise to always give you the best support you quite possibly have ever experienced.