Coupon Management

Create and Manage Coupon Codes

RedPodium makes running promotions and discounts for your event incredibly easy. Whether you are promoting a limited time offer or distributing coupon codes to partners, vendors, and customers, you'll love how simple and easy coupon management is with RedPodium.

TicketSpice pricing

Coupon Management with Limitless Possibilities

Whether you are creating simple or complex coupon codes, you'll be delighted with how intuitive the process is in RedPodium. When creating a coupon code, use the interface to set a reference name and give the code a discount value of either a fixed dollar amount or percentage discount. Set usage limits to be fixed or unlimited and also specify an expiration date (if any).

You can also create coupon codes that will work globally across any event registration page you are hosting with RedPodium. Have a list of coupon codes in circulation? No problem. Import a series of coupon codes and their redemption value.

TicketSpice pricing
TicketSpice pricing

Advanced Targeting

Sometimes you want to create a coupon code that is only applicable to certain registration option or choices. With RedPodium you can open up the advanced targeting options to specify which fields on your event registration page are eligible to be impacted by a given coupon code.

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Easy of Use and Unrivaled Flexibility

Coupon management is a breeze with RedPodium making your life easier.

One-time Use or Many

Create coupon codes that can be used just once, a fixed number of times, or unlimited.

Custom Redemption Values

Set discount amounts in either dollar amounts or a percentage of someone's registration.

Import a Series of Codes

Managing coupons at scale is a breeze by importing thousands of coupon codes.

Set Expiration Dates

On any given coupon code, set an expiration date and time.

Advanced Targeting

Create unique coupon codes that will work on pre-defined fields or options.

Global Coupon Use

Create universal coupon codes that will work across all your events.

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