Ahhh December has almost passed. We know you’ve been busy decorating and watching A Christmas Prince with eggnog in hand since September. But the time has arrived to open your gratuitous Christmas bundle. And we are here to deliver.
We’re announcing 4 presents for you today: badge printing, Webconnex Payments reporting, updated ticket scanning & sales reporting, and registration notifications.
Badge Printing
We know you love spending hours trying to mail merge excel files to create name badges. But now in RegFox, you can build your name badge template and our system will populate your attendee data on name badges.Currently, we offer two ways to print. You can download a print-ready file that works will all the popular Avery templates, OR you can use a Dymo badge printer and print them all, or one by one when needed on event day.

Withdrawal Reporting
It may go without saying, but we kinda sorta really like you. And we want to spend as much quality time with you as we can.
If you use Webconnex Payments Powered by WePay, we have some great news. You no longer need to leave your campaign page to view withdrawals from within WePay! New in the control panel we’ve added withdrawal reports that show you bank deposits, which transactions are included and more. With these reports, you can calculate net revenue and reconcile faster than before. Click to Learn more.
TicketScan Reports + Box Office Reporting
We know your success depends on good data. Your ticketing page analytics will now show more detailed reports for your box office sales and ticket scans.
Things like scans per device, scans per ticket level, scans over time, and box office sale breakdowns are all in your account for easy viewing and exporting. Consider this one your stocking stuffers.
Registration Notifications
If you want to have anyone from your team receive a notification for new registrations or donations, you can add all the recipients you want by adding their email to the BCC field under the confirmation tab of your campaign. For multiple email addresses, just separate them with a comma.
Click to Learn more.
These features are specially wrapped and placed under the tree just for you. And as much as we love getting to spend time with you, we truly hope you’re not spending too much time on a computer this holiday season.As always, if you have any questions, we have an abundant bagful of help articles you’re welcome to peruse. And we love to message through that little bubble in the bottom right-hand corner.
From our team to yours, we hope your holidays are merry and bright. Merry Christmas!
Release Notes
What's New:
- Added new action set for the quantity of items sold. This is useful for dynamically changing pricing based on how many you have sold (ex: The first 10 registrants to the clown school are only $50).
- Updated the styles of the bib manager. This is a secret feature and you probably won’t notice it since its still secret.
- Chargeback reporting with Wepay. Lets you see the people who might try and play games and fight charges after an event.
- Add Gross and Net Amount to deposit report. Especially helpful for those with emerging math skills or are afraid of excel formulas.
- New controls to set a maximum of reserved seats that can be bought at one time. Our expectation for 8 was blown out of the water by groups of over 20.
- ACH payments are included in deposit reports for Sage gateways. Reporting on ACH payments still sucks, to no fault of our own, but this helps it suck a little less.
- Badge printing is available to all. Now out of private beta, anyone can use it. (And there was much rejoicing)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Our international customers couldn’t set their localized time setting to an international 24-time format. Despite our best efforts to convince people the 12-hour format was better, we relented.
- Fixed: Editing international recurring donations removed international formatting for the address forcing a US address on edit. We fixed the edit’s bias for the US to equally allow all countries on edit.
- Fixed: Setting a multi-event ticket to invisible then vanishes when editing an order. Stuff vanishing is cute for magic shows but not this. It remains visible on edit even if it has publicly been set to invisible.
- Fixed: The “User can choose” option for recurring donation interval didn’t require the user to choose. It now makes sure every donor gives an interval whether they like it or not.
- Fixed: Offline registrants wouldn’t print to badges. All registrants matter.
- Fixed: Preview mode confirmation page wouldn’t scroll back to the top. It does now.
- Fixed: Registration ID went missing from exports. We went and found him and put it back.
- Fixed: Several spelling errors. Is my face red?
- Misc: a variety of bug fixes to improve renderings of data on page load.
- Exporting performance is improved. Get your data even faster now.
- General admission ticket qty selection. Saves you an extra step, and who doesn’t like that?
- After signup, users have now over a minute to proceed into the system in case nature calls in the middle of signup.
- A couple exports were exporting in UTC time zone, which is useful to no one. Now they export in the account time zone.